Today sees the release of Inspirational Plus - man/body/fiber
6 artists/8 questions
The artists: Anthony Stevens, Cos Ahmet, James Fox, Joe Lewis, Luke Haynes, Stewart Kelly
The questions:
Why fiber/textiles and not another discipline?
What does it mean to you personally, being a man?
What does it mean to you being a man in the fiber/textiles field?
How do you think that your gender influences your work as an artist?
What do you think that you have brought with you to the fiber/textiles discipline, by being a man?
Do you express your gender through fiber/textiles in a general, or more personal level?
Would you encourage more men to enter the fiber/textiles world, and if so, why?
What next for Ant/Cos/James/Joe/Luke/
Inspirational Plus can be bought for $6.99, and instantly downloaded from the usual Inspirational page, top of the page, second tab in.
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