
Friday, August 09, 2019

INSPIRATIONAL: submission guidelines

INSPIRATIONAL: submission guidelines.
The monthly digital contemporary arts magazine Inspirational is always happy to accept submissions from working artists, in any discipline, from any corner of the planet.

Working artists are freely welcome to approach the editor of Inspirational - John Hopper, either through social media (facebook, instagram, tumblr, twitter, ello) or by email:

Working artists who are accepted will be given space in Inspirational - either with an interview (q&a) or portfolio format. Inspirational space is popular with artists and the magazine is already taking submissions for its November edition.

All submitting artists will be reviewed, and those lucky enough to be part of Inspirational will join the 261 artists so far featured in the magazine across 28 issues and counting.

To get a general view of all Inspirational issues so far, follow the link:

Inspirational supports the working artist, supports the visual arts.

John Hopper - Inspirational editor.

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