
Saturday, December 04, 2021

INSPIRATIONAL #56: the featured artists.


Welcome to the 56th issue of the arts magazine Inspirational, the last issue of 2021.
Paul Koskinen: Canada based fine art painter Paul, takes us through his journey as an artist in these covid strewn times. In a fascinating written piece, Paul offers us the challenges faced by artists through repeated lockdowns and restrictions, particularly when it comes to actual lack of painting materials. But through this, Paul shows the endurance and adaptability of artists to shift gears and refocus. In this case, through photography, Paul gives a great positive affirmation in what it is to be creative and to endure in that creativity, no matter what the world throws at you.
As always, Inspirational is packed with the words, voices, and full page, full colour artists work.
To purchase a copy of this bumper edition of Inspirational, just follow the link for an instant download:

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